Sedat Ogeturk
Sedat Ogeturk is a PhD student in the Real Estate Management and Retail Management Departments at Toronto Metropolitan University. He holds a BSc. In Engineering from Istanbul Technical University; an MBA in Technology and Innovation, and an MScM in Real Estate Management from Toronto Metropolitan University. Sedat’s doctoral research projects concern the operational efficiency of Canadian real estate investment trusts (CREITs) and exploring the options of asset and portfolio management in CREITs that concern diverse investors and large pension funds. He also examines how real options are exercised for the future of shopping centres in Canada. He is a member of the Centre for the Study of Commercial Activity (CSCA) at Toronto Metropolitan University, contributing to data collection and data organization for ongoing projects. Sedat works as both a Research Assistant and a Teaching Assistant while researching under the supervision of Dr. Tony Hernandez, Director of the Centre for the Study of Commercial Activity; and Dr. Dogan Tirtiroglu, Chair of Real Estate Management Department at Toronto Metropolitan University.