Canada's Leading Retailers - Latest Trends and Strategies: 5th Edition
By Christopher Daniel, Dr. Tony Hernandez and Joseph Aversa
This report provides insight into the trends and strategies of Canada's Top 112 retail corporations for Fiscal 2005. The research reflects the CSCA's on-going focus on corporate strategy, providing an update to the findings reported in earlier editions. This fifth edition of 'Canada's Leading Retailers' is structured by the retail categories of the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS). The report details the varying levels of corporate concentration across retail sectors in Canada, provides contrasts between indigenous and foreign retail strategies, and comments on the resulting impact upon the retail landscape. It provides profiles of the major retail corporations by sector with information on market share. The report is made possible by the CSCA's corporate data collection. The resulting data resource, the CSCA Corporate Database, provides unique insight into the locational strategies of major retail chains operating across Canada. Through the longitudinal collection of such data, the CSCA will continue to monitor, track and report on the changes in Canadian corporate concentration and retail store segmentation.