The CSCA Retail 100 (2021)
By Dr. Maurice Yeates, Dr. Tony Hernandez and Jennifer Nhieu
This edition of the CSCA Retail 100 captures a period of widespread disruption within the Canadian retail landscape. The COVID-19 pandemic, first identified in late January 2020, resulted in significant government intervention to limit the spread of the disease. The cycles of lockdown and associated designation of ‘essential vs. non-essential’ businesses created many challenges for retailers. Therefore, this edition of the CSCA Retail 100 reports on an industry in the throes of a global pandemic. The CSCA’s annual listing of leading retailers in Canada provides a breakdown for both Retail Conglomerates (RCG) and the Retail Chains (RCH) they control (as ranked by total estimated retail sales). Why focus solely on the top 100 conglomerates and chains ranked by sales? The top 100 retailers in Canada include firms with economies of scale that enable them to exert a significant influence on Canada’s retail economy. Our findings highlight a retail industry with increasing levels of corporate concentration and marked differences in performance by sector and channel (online vs. in-store).