The Economic Impact of Wal-Mart Stores
By Dr. Jim Simmons
Since the WalMart study for CSCA a few years ago (Simmons and Graff, 1998), the question has been raised repeatedly: "What happens to the...
Read MoreMeasuring the Impact of the Internet on Shopping Centre Vitality
By Dr. Tony Hernandez, Dr. Ricardo Gomez-Insausti and Marco Biasiotto
The emergence of internet-based shopping channels in the early 1990s in North America was...
Read MoreRetail Structure of Beijing
By Dr. Shuguang Wang and Dr. Ken Jones
Retailing always has been a prominent element of urban morphology. As a city evolves and expands, so does its retail sector. ...
Read MoreThe Economic Performance of the Greater Toronto Area
By Dr. Ricardo Gomes-Insausti and Dr. Ken Jones
This paper summarizes the analysis undertaken by the CSCA as part of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Vital Signs project. Vital Signs...
Read MoreRecent Changes in China's Retail Sector
By Dr. Shuguang Wang and Dr. Ken Jones
Given the large body of literature related to economic reform and regional development in China, surprisingly little attention...
Read MoreSimulating the Demand for Consumer Service Space by Type of Delivery System
The spatial structure of the consumer service industry in the GTA, relating to an immediate market population of 5 million, is undergoing major...
Read MoreThe Department Store Shuffle: Rationalization and Change to the Greater Toronto Area
By Dr. Michael J. Doucet
Retailing, the oldest business in the world, is the sale of merchandise to the consumer. The store or...
Read MoreThe Status of Corporate Retail Planning in Canada
By Dr. Tony Hernandez and Marco Biasiotto
This current research report documents significant and new insights into the real estate decisions of major...
Read MoreThe Survey of Corporate Retail Planning: Summary Findings
By Dr. Tony Hernandez and Marco Biasiotto
The Canadian retail system has undergone significant structural transformation over the last decade. Corporate concentration,...
Read MoreCommercial Activity in Canada in 2000
By Dr. Jim Simmons and Shizue Kamikihara
With this report, the CSCA continues to monitor the performance of the retail and service sectors within the...
Read MoreBy Year