Canada's Leading Retailers - Latest Trends and Strategies: 9th Edition
By Christopher Daniel, Joe Aversa and Dr. Tony Hernandez
This report provides insight into the trends and strategies of Canada's Top 121 retail corporations for Fiscal 2009. This...
Read MoreEmerging Trends in Grocery Retailing
By Christopher Daniel, Joe Aversa and Dr. Tony Hernandez
The report is part of an on-going series of CSCA Research Reports that focus on emerging trends within specific...
Read MoreEthnic Markets in the Greater Toronto Area
By Dr. Jim Simmons, Shizue Kamikihara and Dr. Tony Hernandez
The Toronto region includes one of the largest and most complex ethnic markets of any city in the developed...
Read MoreGreyfield Power Centres and Ghost Boxes? Power Centre Vacancy Rates in Canada, 2005 - 2009
Power centres are now a well established shopping centre type in Canada. Since the late 1980s the country has witnessed the widespread development and clustering...
Read MoreThe Impact of Heritage Designation: Case Study of Downtown Peterborough
By Chuck Chakrapani and Dr. Tony Hernandez
Using a case study approach centred on the historic downtown core of the City of Peterborough, Ontario, this research letter highlights the importance...
Read MorePower Retail Growth in Canada and the GTA: 2009
By Dr. Tony Hernandez, Tansel Erguden and Magnus Svindal
The evolution of power retailing has been the focus of numerous CSCA reports over the last decade. The development...
Read MoreCanada's Leading Retailers - Latest Trends and Strategies: 8th Edition
By Christopher Daniel, Joe Aversa and Dr. Tony Hernandez
This report provides insight into the trends and strategies of Canada’s Top 121 retail corporations...
Read MoreRetail Store Vacancy in the GTA: 2005 to 2009
By Dr. Tony Hernandez, Tansel Erguden and Magnus Svindal
Retail vacancy is widely regarded as a key measure of the vitality of a shopping venue from a property, asset...
Read MoreThe Changing Character of Ethnic Retail - Case Studies within the GTA
By Zhixi Cecilia Zhuang and Dr. Tony Hernandez
Canada has long been a country of immigrants. As waves of immigrants have made Canada their home, new ethnic communities and neighbourhoods...
Read MoreTracking the Evolution of the Canadian Mall
By Dr. Tony Hernandez and Paul Du
In the late spring of 2008, the CSCA reported preliminary findings from a major study focused on detailing the changes that had...
Read MoreThe Impact of Power Retail? - The Victoria Study
By Jim Simmons and Shizue Kamikihara
This report concludes a two part series on power retailing in Victoria, British Columbia. The first asked the question 'Who Shops Power Retail'. This...
Read MoreWho Shops Power Retail? - The Victoria Study
By Jim Simmons and Shizue Kamikihara
This report, the first of a two part series, provides a detailed case study of power retailing in Victoria, British Columbia. Using comprehensive transport...
Read MoreGreening Retail: Volume 2 - Best Environmental Practices of Leading Retailers from Around the World
By: Wendy Evans, Hersch Jacobs, Leigh Sparks, Marion Denney, Kernaghan Webb, Marc Vilanova
The term 'greening retail' refers to the programming and adoption of environmentally friendly practices within the group...
Read MoreCanada's Leading Retailers - Latest Trends and Strategies: 7th Edition
By Christopher Daniel, Dr. Tony Hernandez and Joseph Aversa
This report provides insight into the trends and strategies of Canada's Top 118 retail corporations for Fiscal 2007. This...
Read MoreCommercial Activity in Canada in 2008
By Jim Simmons and Shizue Kamikihara
With this publication, the CSCA continues to monitor the performance of the commercial sector within the Canadian economy. We hope that the volume will...
Read MorePower Retail Growth in Canada and the GTA: 2008
By Dr. Tony Hernandez, Tansel Erguden and Magnus Svindal
The evolution of power retailing has been the focus of numerous CSCA reports over the last decade. The development and...
Read MoreCanada's Leading Retailers - Latest Trends and Strategies: 6th Edition
By Christopher Daniel, Dr. Tony Hernandez and Joseph Aversa
This report provides insight into the trends and strategies of Canada's Top 118 retail corporations for Fiscal 2006. The research reflects the...
Read MoreDefining Power Retailing
By Dr. Tony Hernandez and Jim Simmons
The Canadian retail landscape has been transformed over the last decade by waves of development of power centres. At the CSCA, we...
Read MorePlaces to Shop and Places to Grow
By Dr. Tony Hernandez and Ron Buliung
This report is a pioneering effort to juxtapose information on travel patterns in the Greater Toronto Area with information on the distribution...
Read MoreImplications of Demographic Change for the Retail and Service Sector
By Dr. Tony Hernandez and Doug Norris
Canada's demography is changing. The population is ageing. Our multicultural nation is increasingly relying on immigration to sustain growth. The divide between...
Read MoreBy Year